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Immagine artista

Vinita Parambi

The themes my artworks have are always influenced by a thought or philosophy or experience that has had a deep impact on me.. My current collection has been influenced by the science and philosophy and teachings of the Bhagwad Gita, an ancient Vedic text that was written many centuries ago, and whose teachings are relevant even to current daily life. The Gita speaks of the importance of performing ones duties without any attachment to success or failure; and that every action has a definite reaction. This philosophy, that an individual can only do “good” actions and has no control over the “outcome”, resonates with my understanding and practice of art. Wherein the “process” of doing the artwork is all we can control, thereafter, other factors take over as catalysts and produce a result which one cannot completely control.So as to emulate this lack of control, I have deliberately not used any painting tool or brush in these paintings. Just as different circumstances, people and environment impact our lives, in allowing the different colours to intermingle, uncontrolled on the canvas; I have attempted to emulate just this aspect of Life. Thus, creating footprints, which are unique and cannot be replicated. The creative process to me represents a fantastic, exciting journey, a constant involvement of the eye with the image, in a process where there is no control. It begins with the colours developing their own internal dialogue, after being released on the canvas. The intervention by another medium acting as a catalyst then produces a reaction, which further develops a distinct image, with its own pulse and pattern. Thus leaving images, which come to life of their own volition and are in consonance with the mood with which they were initiated. The use of materials like Washi paper, marble dust, along with acrylic and oil paints, adds texture and physical dimension that help flesh out the theme of the artworks. Through this creative interaction I aim to give the viewer an opportunity to explore with me my thoughts and beliefs, my unique experiences and socio cultural values that influence my work and me.


Les œuvres de Vinita Parambi exposées dans la galerie