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MONTEOLIVETO GALLERY 2020 International Events, Exhibitions and Art Fairs

MONTEOLIVETO GALLERY    2020 International Events, Exhibitions and Art Fairs    Contemporary ART FAIR PARIS, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles                                  https://contemporary-art-fair-paris


The Contest Cratere Creativo


The Contest "Cratere Creativo" (Creative Crater) is a contest of contemporary visual arts organized bin collaboration with the association Vesuviani in Cammino dedicated to artists who,... in the spirit of the project, feel the need to give shape to concerns generated by the non-certainty of tomorrow. Living in the shadow of the threat of Vesuvius does not necessarily mean being inhabitants of Campania Region and, therefore, the protagonists of an evacuation plan, it means to constantly deal with their own inner volcano. To fear it, but at the same time, be fed by its creative power. When you are inhabitants of your red zone, the magma bubbling up from the bowels ready to destroy, at any moment, the thin layer of skin that separates your body from the surrounding world, releasing fire, ash and lapilli. Because of this imminent danger, or thanks to it, we cannot help but live here and now, because « del doman non v’è certezza » (there is no certainty of tomorrow). The underlying theme of the competition is then the inner disquiet and restlessness, and the task of the artist will show its own meanings, reveal the demons that torment his soul and the salvation explosions that every day, day after day, led him to build what the sea will always undo.